字典網>> 漢英字典>> D開頭詞條>>對的英文翻譯



right; answer; reply; at; check; compare; couple; mutual; opposite; versus; vs
face to face
【計】 P
【化】 dyad
【醫】 Adv.; contra-; corps; ob-; p-; pair; par; para-
【經】 vs


1.versus  2.O.K.  3.okeydoke  4.righto  5.okey.  6.Ok  7.pais  8.mutual  9.mix  10.hypersensitize  11.towards  12.opposing  13.right-oh  14.suit  15.subtend  16.opposite  


  1. 吸菸健康有害。
    Smoking is injurious to the health.
  2. 你的父母這么禮貌
    Don't be so rude to your parents!
  3. 他來說,生活似乎已失去了一切樂趣。
    Life seems to have lost most of its savor for him.
  4. 他以前不光彩的行為感到羞愧
    He is ashamed for his former dishonorable action.
  5. 這樣的局面我們來說是不利的。
    This situation is unfavorable for us.
  6. 她太嚴厲,她也是沒辦法。
    Don't be so severe to her---she couldn't help it.
  7. 我認為他侵占我的停車位肯定是有意和我作
    I'm sure he took my parking space just to spite me.
  8. 基督徒來說,主耶穌是他們的救世主。
    To Christians, Jesus Christ is the Saviour.


對的意思 對 (對) ì 答,答話,回答:對答如流。無言以對。 朝著:對酒當歌。 處於相反方向的:對面。 跟,和:對他商量一下。 互相,彼此相向地:對立。對流。對接。對稱(坣 )。對峙。 說明事物的關係:對於。
