拼音:dǒu dòng英文翻譯
tingle; twitter【計】 dithering; flitter
1.joggling 2.matitation 3.thrashing 4.tremble 5.jump 6.vibrate 7.shake 8.bounce 9.chatter 10.jitter 11.flutter 12.judder 13.whipping 14.dirl例句:
- 顫動一種抖動或搖晃的運動,如大地的震動A shaking or vibrating movement, as of the earth.
- 顫動單一的完整擺動;抖動A single complete vibrating motion; a quiver.
- 那鳥擊落後翅膀仍在抖動。The wings of the bird still fluttered after it had been shot down.
- 戰慄不由自主地顫動或抖動,如由於神經或虛弱等原因An involuntary trembling or quivering, as from nervous agitation or weakness.