字典網>> 漢英字典>> D開頭詞條>>倒的英文翻譯 “倒”的日文翻譯



close down; collapse; converse; fall; inverse; move backward; pour; reverse


倒 dǎo 豎立的東西躺下來:摔倒。牆倒了。倒塌。倒台。打倒。臥倒。 對調,轉...


  1. 你以為他能把我嚇嗎?
    Do you think he can face me down?
  2. 他昏在地上。
    He fell to the ground in a stupor.
  3. 挑戰者在第一個回合,就被擊在地上。
    The challenger was kayoed in the first round.( also k.o.)
  4. 我昨天騎腳踏車摔了--所以青一塊、 紫一塊的.
    I fell off my bike yesterday hence the bruises
  5. 嬰兒在學走路時常被自己的腳絆
    Babies often fall over their own feet when they are learning to walk.
  6. 腳踏車撞到石頭上翻了。
    The bike hit a rock and turned over
  7. 有時一個小小的不精確可省去數不清的說明。
    A little inaccuracy sometimes saves tons of explanations
  8. 她突然昏了。
    She fell down in a fit
