ball; bomb; flip; pellet; play; shoot; spring【醫】 bomb; bullet
1.peck(pk) 2.plonk 3.atombomb 4.play 5.plunk 6.leap 7.pellet 8.bomb 9.flip例句:
- 子彈從槍中射出。The bullet was expelled from the gun.
- 一顆子彈從他頭頂上呼嘯而過。A bullet whistled past his head.
- 炮彈在四處 * 。Shells were bursting all around.
- 一顆子彈嗖的一聲從我耳邊飛過。A bullet whizzed past my ear.
- 子彈擊中了他的胸膛。The bullet hit him in the chest.
- 彈吉他是好玩的。It is fun to play the guitar.
- 炸彈把那座建築夷為平地。The bombs razed the building to the ground.