字典網>> 漢英字典>> C開頭詞條>>措的英文翻譯



arrange; handle; make plans; manage


  1. 我們應當採取制止戰爭。
    We should take steps to prevent war.
  2. 我們不得不採取預防施。
    We had to take preventive measures.
  3. 管理部門採取了一切合理的安全施。
    The management took all reasonable safety precautions.
  4. 辭很謹慎
    He is cautious in his choice of words.
  5. 使一個系統、一個過程或一個操作能取其最希望的結構的方法,或以最好、最有效的方式進行所採取的一些施。例如,在存儲器中合理安排指令和數據的存放位置以便存入和訪問時花費的機器時間或空間最小。
    A procedure causing a system, process, or operation to take on its most desirable configuration or procedures in the best or most efficient way; for example, when arranging instructions and data in storage so that a minimum of machine time or space is used for storing or accessing them.


措的意思 措 ò 安放,安排:措手。措辭。措置。措身。 籌劃辦理:措施。措辦。籌措。舉措失當。 棄置:刑措。 筆畫數:; 部首:扌; 筆順編號:
