拼音:cún zài英文翻譯
exist; indwell; lie; occur; presence; existence【法】 entity; existence
1.existence 2.being 3.lain 4.haveplace 5.inhere 6.inexistence 7.presence 8.occurrence 9.occur 10.subsist 11.exist 12.entity 13.subsistence 14.obtain 15.exists 16.consist(of)例句:
- 年輕女子被舉薦入宮(覲見君主)的風俗已不復存在。The custom of young ladies being presented at court (ie formally introduced to the monarch) has disappeared.
- 羅馬帝國存在了幾百年。The Roman Empire existed for several centuries.
- 這些條件已不復存在了。These conditions no longer obtain.
- 炊煙暴露了敵人的存在。The smoke from cooking betrayed the presence of the enemy.
- 這設計本身存在弱點。There is an inherent weakness in the design.
- 生產者與消費者之間的利益衝突將永遠存在。The conflicting interests of producers and consumers will be everlasting.
- 我們的觀點存在著嚴重的分歧,絕無調和餘地。Our views diverged so greatly that it was impossible to agree.
- 已經證實,記憶存在於某些金屬中。Memory has been shown to reside in some metals.