字典網>> 漢英字典>> C開頭詞條>>出洋相的英文翻譯 “出洋相”的日文翻譯


拼音:chū yáng xiàng


make a spectacle of oneself


露出令人作笑的醜相;略帶幽默的失態他試圖使他的上司出洋相來讓聽眾開心 >>查看“出洋相”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 你叫我大出洋相了!
    You made me look a complete fool!
  2. 那可憐蟲因為拚命想把哈姆雷特的角色演好而大出洋相
    The poor beggar looked silly trying to portray the role of Hamlet.
  3. 他在大庭廣眾中大出洋相
    He cut a poor figure on a public occasion
  4. 失去體面, 出洋相
    make a poor out of it
  5. 我不願意戴那樣的帽子出洋相
    I wouldn’t be seen dead in a hat like that
  6. 上課不要做鬼臉,出洋相
    You mustn’t make faces in class.
  7. 他喝得酩酊大醉, 在俱樂部大出洋相
    He got drunk and made a spectacle of himself in the club
  8. 你不要出洋相
    Don't make a spectacle of yourself.
