deep; heavy; sink【醫】 sink
1.professor 2.subside 3.settle例句:
- 這艘船是被一艘核潛艇擊沉的。The ship was sunk by an atomic submarine.
- 這艘船被敵人的魚雷擊沉了。The ship was sunk by an enemy torpedo.
- 船觸礁沉沒。The ship struck on a rock and sank.
- 這條船沉下四英尋。The ship sank in four fathoms.
- 我們要不把積水清除掉,船就要沉了。The boat will sink unless we bail out.
- 當他走後,她陷入沉思。When he left, she sank into melancholy.
- 大船要沉沒了,乘客們被送到駁船上。The passengers were sent to the cutters as the ship was sinking.
- 輪船沉沒于波濤下面。The ship sank beneath the waves.