拼音:chén mèn de 英文解釋:
depressing; depressive; dreary; oppressive; ponderous; tedious; toneless相關詞條:
unlively 2.
leaden 3.
triste 4.
soggy 5.
stifling 6.
atrabilious 7.
atrabiliar 8.
dreich 9.
drearisome 10.
cheerless 11.
muggy 12.
deadsville 13.
mirthless 14.
arid 15.
tame 中英例句:
- 想到我們把所有的錢都花在兒子的教育上,而他卻所想去一家沉悶的工廠工作,我感到很傷心。
It breads my heart to think of all the money we spent on our son's education and all he wants to do is work in a dreary factory.
- (重物的擊打)發出的沉悶的聲音。
a heavy dull sound (as made by impact of heavy objects).
- (重物的擊打)發出的沉悶的聲音。
a heavy dull sound (as made by impact of heavy objects)
- 不活潑或者不生動;沉悶的。
not animated or enlivened; dull.
- 發出沉悶的聲響
To make a heavy, dull sound
- 沉悶的令人不安的炮火聲。
the disquietingly close sounds of gunfire.