字典網>> 漢英字典>> C開頭詞條>>察的英文翻譯



examine; look into; scrutinize


  1. 他觀敏銳,但是很少說話。
    He observes keenly, but says little.
  2. 他的觀報告都很簡單扼要。
    All his observations were short and to the point.
  3. 稽核員開始帳務。
    The auditor began the examination of accounts.
  4. 在檢警惕的目光下,我害怕了。
    I am afraid under the vigilant eyes of the examiner.
  5. 你們國家政治嫌疑犯受警監視嗎?
    Are political suspects kept under police observation in your country?
  6. 他們派她去那做觀員。
    They sent her there as an observer.
  7. 我們很難觀月亮的另一邊。
    The far side of the moon is difficult for us to observe.
  8. 他被送進醫院觀
    He was taken into hospital for observation.


察的意思 察 á 仔細看,調查研究:察看。察核。觀察。考察(.實地觀察調查,如“科學察察”;.細緻深刻地觀察,如“科學研究要勤於察察和思考”)。察覺。察訪。察勘。察探。明察秋毫(“秋毫”指秋天鳥獸身上新長的細毛
