At issue, say users, is the price of a legitimate copy of Windows XP. Windows XP is sold at $199, which is over 1,400 yuan. The company says that it has already adjusted the policy to make the price more attractive to Chinese computer users. For instance, the Windows XP Home/Student Edition is sold at a promotion price of 199 yuan, and suggested price for Windows Vista Service Pack is 499 yuan. Still, the price is steep for many Chinese users who have vastly cheaper pirated versions available to them.
據用戶反映,問題的重點是正版XP系統的價格。Windows XP售價199美元,折合人民幣超過1400元。微軟說他們已經調整了價格政策來吸引更多中國的電腦用戶。比如,Window XP 家庭/學生版以199元的促銷價賣出,Windows Vista建議價格是499元。但對於一些中國用戶來說,他們可以用比這低得多的價錢買到盜版,所以他們仍然認為這個價格很高。
We do not stand up for piracy, but against your company for not thinking how the users feel