1.食品安全問題 2.共食買回食品 3.中毒、肚子痛
4.送醫院治療 5.脫險 6.全社會重視食品安全
Dear editor,
I'm writing to tell you something about the problem of food safety.
A couple of days ago,one of my classmates bought a bag of food from a supermarket. Some roommates were invited to enjoy the food. Unfortunately,after finishing it,all of them got poisoned and had stomachaches with their faces pale. They were quickly sent to a nearby hospital. A doctor examined them and gave them some medicine. They were out of danger soon after taking the medicine.
This accident made me realize the seriousness of the food safety problem. I sincerely hope that the whole society pay much more attention to food safety.
1. 油炸類食品 fried foods
2. 醃製類食品 Pickled foods
3.加工類肉食品 Processing of meat products
4.餅乾類食品(不含低溫烘烤和全麥餅乾) Biscuit categories of food (excluding low-temperature baking and whole wheat biscuits)
5.汽水可樂類食品 Soft drinks Coke products
6.方便類食品(主要指速食麵和膨化食品) Convenience foods (mainly referring to instant noodles and expanded food)
7.罐頭類食品(包括魚肉類和水果類) Canned foods (including meat and fish and fruit)
8. 話梅蜜餞類食品(果脯) Hua Mei preserves the categories of food (Preserves)
9.冷凍甜品類食品(冰淇淋、冰棒和各種雪糕) Frozen dessert products (ice cream, popsicles and all kinds of ice cream)
10.燒烤類食品 Barbecue food