
良好的師生關係對教和學兩方面都非常重要。請你以Relationships between teachers and students為題用英文寫一篇短文。

注意:1. 短文的開頭已給出,但不計入總詞數;

2. 詞數:120左右。

3. 參考辭彙:相互的 mutual有效的 efficient

Relationships between teachers and students

Good relationships between teachers and students are essential to learning as well as teaching. Only with good relationships can students and teachers cooperate well, that is, ...

One possible version:

Relationships between teachers and students

Good relationships between teachers and students are essential to learning as well as teaching. Only with good relationships can students and teachers cooperate well, that is, teachers can achieve the desired effect, and students can do well in their studies.

This ideal relationship depends on the mutual effort. On the one hand, students should respect their teachers and their efforts and devotion. They should be polite to the teachers and ready to follow their practical advice. On the other hand, teachers should not only be kind, friendly and patient to the students but also treat every student fairly. They must be responsible for their teaching and ready to help the students in trouble.

If both sides treat each other in a friendly way, misunderstandings will be easily cleared up and teaching and learning in class will be highly efficient.

