音標['saundiŋ] 讀音漢語翻譯
a. 發出聲音的, 響亮的, 誇大的, 聽上去堂皇的, 誇張的
n. 測深, 水深測量, 探空, 試探, 調查, 蒐集意見
【醫】 探通術
名詞 sounding:
- a measure of the depth of water taken with a sounding line
- the act of measuring depth of water (usually with a sounding line)
動詞 sound:
- appear in a certain way同義詞:sound
- make a certain noise or sound同義詞:sound, go
- give off a certain sound or sounds同義詞:sound
- announce by means of a sound同義詞:sound
- utter with vibrating vocal chords同義詞:voice, sound, vocalize, vocalise
- cause to sound同義詞:sound
- measure the depth of (a body of water) with a sounding line同義詞:fathom, sound
形容詞 sounding:
- appearing to be as specified; usually used as combining forms同義詞:looking
- having volume or depth- Wordsworth
- making or having a sound as specified; used as a combining form
- He's always sounding off about how he would manage the firm.他總是大言不慚地說他能把公司經營好。
- At the risk of sounding ungrateful, I must refuse your offer.我甘受拂逆盛情之嫌,也必須謝絕你的提議。
- The sound effects had been pre-recorded and were added to the dialogue.音響效果經預錄後已加入對話中。
- The sound effects of the fight were very good in that radio play.廣播劇中那場戰鬥的音響效果很好。
- Music with two or more independent melodic parts sounded together.復調音樂具有同時發聲的兩個或多個獨立旋律部分的音樂
- I must sound him out about his attitude to this issue.
- The studio is being wired for sound.這個播音室正在安裝音響設備用的電線。