vt. 拒絕, 謝絕
vi. 拒絕
n. 廢物
a. 扔掉的, 無用的
【醫】 垃圾
【經】 拒絕, 廢料, 垃圾
名詞:refuser 動詞過去式:refused 過去分詞:refused 現在分詞:refusing 第三人稱單數:refuses詞意辨析:
refuse, decline, reject, repel, deny這些動詞均含“拒絕”之意。
refuse: 語氣較重,指態度堅決,肯定無疑的拒絕。
decline: 指婉言謝絕他人的幫助或邀請等。
reject: 多指由於某物某事某行為不能讓人滿意而被當面直截了當地拒絕,與之相近的是spurn,鄙棄之意。
repel: 作“拒絕”解時,語氣比reject強。
deny: 指否認(觀點)。英文解釋:
名詞 refuse:
- food that is discarded (as from a kitchen)同義詞:garbage, food waste, scraps
動詞 refuse:
- show unwillingness towards同義詞:decline
- refuse to accept同義詞:reject, pass up, turn down, decline
- elude, especially in a baffling way同義詞:defy, resist
- refuse to let have同義詞:deny
- resist immunologically the introduction of some foreign tissue or organ同義詞:resist, reject
- refuse entrance or membership同義詞:reject, turn down, turn away
- His selfishness caused him to refuse my solicitation.他的自私讓他拒絕了我的請求。
- I refuse to be dictated to by you.我不願被你呼來喚去的。
- I deem it proper to refuse.我看還是拒絕為好。
- The council is responsible for refuse collection.市政局負責清除垃圾廢物。
- There is a refuse dump out of the town.鎮外有個垃圾場。
- I refuse to answer that question.我不願回答那個問題。
- We were refused permission to enter.我們被拒之門外。
- He asked me to marry him but I refused.他向我求婚,但我拒絕了。
v.(動詞)re.fused,re.fus.ing,re.fus.es v.tr.(及物動詞)
To indicate unwillingness to do, accept, give, or allow:拒絕:表示不願意做、接受、給予或允許:例句:She was refused admittance. He refused treatment.她被拒絕加入;他拒絕治療
To indicate unwillingness (to do something):不願:表示不情願(做某事):例句:refused to leave.不願離開
To decline to jump (an obstacle). Used of a horse.拒絕跳躍障礙:拒絕跳越(阻礙)。用於指賽馬v.intr.(不及物動詞)To decline to do, accept, give, or allow something.拒絕:拒絕做、接受、給予或允許某物
來源:Middle English refusen 中古英文 refusen from Old French refuser 源自 古法文 refuser from Vulgar Latin *refôs3re 源自 俗拉丁語 *refôs3re probably blend of Latin recôs3re [to refuse] * see recuse 可能混合了 拉丁語 recôs3re [拒絕] *參見 recuserefôt3re * see refute refôt3re *參見 refute
n.(名詞)<參考辭彙><同義詞>refuse,decline,reject,spurn,rebuff同義詞>These verbs all mean to be unwilling to accept, consider, or receive someone or something.這些動詞都表示不願接受、考慮或接納某人或某物。 Refuse usually implies determination and often brusqueness: Refuse 通常暗示決心且常帶有粗魯: 例句:.The commander . . . refused to discuss questions of right. (George Bancroft). .司令官拒絕討論關於權力的問題. (喬治·班克羅夫特)。
例句:.I`ll make him an offer he can`t refuse. (Mario Puzo).Todecline is to refuse courteously: .我將給他一個無法拒絕的提議. (馬利奧·普佐)。Decline 意為有禮貌地拒絕:
例句:.I declined election to the National Institute of Arts and Letters some years ago, and now I must decline the Pulitzer Prize. (Sinclair Lewis)..數年前我婉言謝絕入選國家文學藝術協會,現在我又必須婉言謝絕接受普利茲獎. (辛克萊爾·賴維斯)。
Reject suggests the discarding of someone or something as unsatisfactory, defective, or useless;it implies categoric refusal: Reject 表示因為不令人滿意、有缺陷或無用而拋棄;它暗示無條件的拒絕: 例句:.He again offered himself for enlistment and was again rejected. (Arthur S.M. Hutchinson). .他再次要求應徵入伍,結果再次被回絕了. (亞瑟·S.M.霍金森)。
例句:.Emphasize your choice by utter ignoring of all that you reject. (Ralph Waldo Emerson).Tospurn is to reject scornfully or contemptuously: .完全忽視你所拒絕的東西以強調你的選擇。 (拉爾夫·伍爾夫·愛默森)。Spurn 指輕蔑或鄙視地拒絕:
例句:.The more she spurns my love,/The more it grows. (Shakespeare)..她越是輕蔑地拒絕我對她的愛,這愛便越是增長. (莎士比亞)。
Rebuff pertains to blunt, often disdainful rejection: Rebuff 指粗魯的且常帶蔑視的拒絕: 例句:.He had . . . forgotten himself, had gone too far in his advances, and had been rebuffed. (Robert Louis Stevenson)..他得意忘形、得寸進尺,結果被毫不客氣地回絕了. (羅伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森)
refuse 2
n.(名詞)Items or material discarded or rejected as useless or worthless; trash or rubbish.廢物:被認為沒有用或不值錢的東西或物質;垃圾
來源:Middle English 中古英文 from Old French refus [rejection, refuse] 源自 古法文 refus [拋棄,拒絕] from refuser [to refuse] * see refuse 源自 refuser [拒絕] *參見 refuse
refuse: 語氣較重,指態度堅決,肯定無疑的拒絕。
decline: 指婉言謝絕他人的幫助或邀請等。
reject: 多指由於某物某事某行為不能讓人滿意而被當面直截了當地拒絕,與之相近的是spurn,鄙棄之意。
repel: 作“拒絕”解時,語氣比reject強。
deny: 指否認(觀點)。
名詞 refuse:
- food that is discarded (as from a kitchen)同義詞:garbage, food waste, scraps
動詞 refuse:
- show unwillingness towards同義詞:decline
- refuse to accept同義詞:reject, pass up, turn down, decline
- elude, especially in a baffling way同義詞:defy, resist
- refuse to let have同義詞:deny
- resist immunologically the introduction of some foreign tissue or organ同義詞:resist, reject
- refuse entrance or membership同義詞:reject, turn down, turn away
- His selfishness caused him to refuse my solicitation.他的自私讓他拒絕了我的請求。
- I refuse to be dictated to by you.我不願被你呼來喚去的。
- I deem it proper to refuse.我看還是拒絕為好。
- The council is responsible for refuse collection.市政局負責清除垃圾廢物。
- There is a refuse dump out of the town.鎮外有個垃圾場。
- I refuse to answer that question.我不願回答那個問題。
- We were refused permission to enter.我們被拒之門外。
- He asked me to marry him but I refused.他向我求婚,但我拒絕了。
v.(動詞)re.fused,re.fus.ing,re.fus.es v.tr.(及物動詞)
To indicate unwillingness to do, accept, give, or allow:拒絕:表示不願意做、接受、給予或允許:例句:She was refused admittance. He refused treatment.她被拒絕加入;他拒絕治療
To indicate unwillingness (to do something):不願:表示不情願(做某事):例句:refused to leave.不願離開
To decline to jump (an obstacle). Used of a horse.拒絕跳躍障礙:拒絕跳越(阻礙)。用於指賽馬v.intr.(不及物動詞)To decline to do, accept, give, or allow something.拒絕:拒絕做、接受、給予或允許某物
來源:Middle English refusen 中古英文 refusen from Old French refuser 源自 古法文 refuser from Vulgar Latin *refôs3re 源自 俗拉丁語 *refôs3re probably blend of Latin recôs3re [to refuse] * see recuse 可能混合了 拉丁語 recôs3re [拒絕] *參見 recuserefôt3re * see refute refôt3re *參見 refute
n.(名詞)<參考辭彙><同義詞>refuse,decline,reject,spurn,rebuff同義詞>These verbs all mean to be unwilling to accept, consider, or receive someone or something.這些動詞都表示不願接受、考慮或接納某人或某物。 Refuse usually implies determination and often brusqueness: Refuse 通常暗示決心且常帶有粗魯: 例句:.The commander . . . refused to discuss questions of right. (George Bancroft). .司令官拒絕討論關於權力的問題. (喬治·班克羅夫特)。
例句:.I`ll make him an offer he can`t refuse. (Mario Puzo).Todecline is to refuse courteously: .我將給他一個無法拒絕的提議. (馬利奧·普佐)。Decline 意為有禮貌地拒絕:
例句:.I declined election to the National Institute of Arts and Letters some years ago, and now I must decline the Pulitzer Prize. (Sinclair Lewis)..數年前我婉言謝絕入選國家文學藝術協會,現在我又必須婉言謝絕接受普利茲獎. (辛克萊爾·賴維斯)。
Reject suggests the discarding of someone or something as unsatisfactory, defective, or useless;it implies categoric refusal: Reject 表示因為不令人滿意、有缺陷或無用而拋棄;它暗示無條件的拒絕: 例句:.He again offered himself for enlistment and was again rejected. (Arthur S.M. Hutchinson). .他再次要求應徵入伍,結果再次被回絕了. (亞瑟·S.M.霍金森)。
例句:.Emphasize your choice by utter ignoring of all that you reject. (Ralph Waldo Emerson).Tospurn is to reject scornfully or contemptuously: .完全忽視你所拒絕的東西以強調你的選擇。 (拉爾夫·伍爾夫·愛默森)。Spurn 指輕蔑或鄙視地拒絕:
例句:.The more she spurns my love,/The more it grows. (Shakespeare)..她越是輕蔑地拒絕我對她的愛,這愛便越是增長. (莎士比亞)。
Rebuff pertains to blunt, often disdainful rejection: Rebuff 指粗魯的且常帶蔑視的拒絕: 例句:.He had . . . forgotten himself, had gone too far in his advances, and had been rebuffed. (Robert Louis Stevenson)..他得意忘形、得寸進尺,結果被毫不客氣地回絕了. (羅伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森)
refuse 2
n.(名詞)Items or material discarded or rejected as useless or worthless; trash or rubbish.廢物:被認為沒有用或不值錢的東西或物質;垃圾
來源:Middle English 中古英文 from Old French refus [rejection, refuse] 源自 古法文 refus [拋棄,拒絕] from refuser [to refuse] * see refuse 源自 refuser [拒絕] *參見 refuse

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