音標['p?ni?] 讀音漢語翻譯
vt. 處罰, 懲罰, 嚴厲對待
vi. 懲罰
【法】 罰, 懲罰, 處罰
動詞過去式:punished 過去分詞:punished 現在分詞:punishing 第三人稱單數:punishes 形容詞:punishable 名詞:punishability英文解釋:
動詞 punish:
- impose a penalty on; inflict punishment on同義詞:penalize, penalise
- The teacher warned them that she would punish anyone who stepped out of line.老師警告他們說誰要不守規矩就罰誰。
- The great thieves punish the little ones.[諺]大賊罰小賊; 大魚吃小魚。
- If it were not for his presence, I would punish you.要不是他在場,我會處罰你的。
- The teacher blazoned she would punish the bad student.老師宣布她將懲罰那個壞學生。
- Their teacher punished them for their rudeness.
- Dangerous driving should be severely punished.危險駕駛應受嚴懲。
v.(動詞)pun.ished,pun.ish.ing,pun.ish.es v.tr.(及物動詞)To subject to a penalty for an offense, a sin, or a fault.處罰:因為觸犯、罪過或過錯而遭受懲罰To inflict a penalty for (an offense).施加處罰:因為(冒犯)而施加懲罰To handle roughly; hurt:粗魯地對待;傷害:例句:My boots were punished by our long trek through the desert.我的靴子由於我們穿越沙漠的長途旅行而被磨損了
v.intr.(不及物動詞)To exact or mete out punishment.強制服從懲罰或給予懲罰
來源:Middle English punissen, punishen 中古英文 punissen, punishen from Old French punir puniss- 源自 古法文 punir puniss- from Latin poenore, pônore 源自 拉丁語 poenore, pônore from poena [punishment] 源自 poena [懲罰,處罰] from Greek poinô * see k wei- 源自 希臘語 poinô *參見 k wei-
n.(名詞)<參考辭彙><同義詞>punish,correct,chastise,discipline,castigate,penalize同義詞>These verbs mean to subject a person to a penalty, such as loss, pain, or confinement, for an offense, a sin, or a fault.這些動詞的意思是使某人因為冒犯、罪過或過錯而受到如損失、痛苦或監禁等懲罰。 Punish is the least specific: Punish 的意思是最不具體的: 例句:.The individual who refuses to defend his rights when called by his Government . . . must be punished as an enemy of his country and friend to her foe. (Andrew Jackson).Tocorrect is to punish so that the offender will mend his or her ways: 被國家所召集卻拒絕維護他的權利的個人…一定被當作自己國家的敵人和國家敵人的朋友而受到懲罰 (安德魯·傑克遜)。Corret 意指懲罰以使冒犯者改正他或她的習慣:
例句:Regulations formerly permitted prison wardens to correct unruly inmates.規章制度從前曾允許監獄的典獄長懲罰不守規矩的犯人。
Chastise implies punishment, such as corporal punishment or a verbal rebuke, as a means of effecting improvement in behavior: Chastise 表示作為使行為進步的一種方式的懲罰,如體罰或口頭上的責備等: 例句:chastise a bully by giving him a thrashing;給這個欺侮弱者的人一頓鞭打以作懲罰;
例句:was roundly chastised for insolence.因為傲慢而受到一頓懲罰。
Discipline stresses punishment inflicted by an authority in order to control an offender or to eliminate or reform unacceptable conduct: Discipline 強調權力機關為控制冒犯者或免除、改革不能被接受的行為所施加的懲罰: 例句:The worker was disciplined for insubordination.這個工人因為不服從而受到懲罰。
Castigate means to censure or criticize severely, often in public: Castigate 常指在公共場合譴責或嚴肅地批評: 例句:The judge castigated the attorney for badgering the witness.法官因為辯護律師糾纏目擊證人而譴責了他。
Penalize usually implies a monetary penalty or the forfeiture of a privilege or gain because rules or regulations have been broken: Penalize 通常指因違反規則或慣例而施行的罰金或導致特權或利益的喪失: 例句:Those who file their income-tax returns after April 5 will be penalized. 那些在4月5日以後才填寫收入所得稅申報書的人將被罰款
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