音標['p?nd?] 讀音漢語翻譯
vt. 沉思, 考慮
vi. 沉思, 考慮
名詞:ponderer 動詞過去式:pondered 過去分詞:pondered 現在分詞:pondering 第三人稱單數:ponders詞意辨析:
study, consider, ponder, weigh, contemplate這些動詞均有“考慮、思考、估量”之意。
study: 普通用詞,指對各方面考慮,在制訂出計畫或採取具體動作之前作認真檢查。
consider: 既指一時的對某事的考慮,也指長時間的深入的思考。
ponder: 側重仔細、深入、連續地考慮問題,以作出認真的估計和正確的抉擇。
weigh: 指作出決策前把問題的各個方面進行比較,權衡利害得失,取有利的方面。
contemplate: 通常指長時間思考某事,有時含無確定的實際目的。英文解釋:
動詞 ponder:
- reflect deeply on a subject同義詞:chew over, think over, meditate, excogitate, contemplate, muse, reflect, mull, mull over, ruminate, speculate
- We pondered whether to tell her.我們考慮是否要告訴她。
- They are pondering moving their offices outside London.他們正在考慮把辦事處搬出倫敦。
- He pondered for some minutes before giving an answer.他思考了幾分鐘才作答覆。
v.(動詞)pon.dered,pon.der.ing,pon.ders v.tr.(及物動詞)To weigh in the mind with thoroughness and care.思索,衡量:在頭腦中徹底且仔細地加以權衡v.intr.(不及物動詞)To reflect or consider with thoroughness and care.仔細考慮,沉思:徹底且仔細地思考或考慮
來源:Middle English ponderen 中古英文 ponderen from Old French ponderer 源自 古法文 ponderer from Latin ponder3re * see (s)pen- 源自 拉丁語 ponder3re *參見 (s)pen-
n.(名詞)<參考辭彙><同義詞>ponder,meditate,deliberate,ruminate,mull,muse同義詞>These verbs mean to consider something carefully and at length. Toponder is to weigh in the mind with painstaking thoroughness and care: 這些動詞表示仔細而詳盡地考慮某件事情。Ponder 是指用煞費苦心的詳盡和仔細在頭腦中權衡: 例句:.He and the council had already pondered the list of members returned to the parliament. (John Morley). .他和委員會已經認真地考慮過了重返國會的人員名單. (約翰·摩利)。
例句:.The Doctor had been pondering, and had made up his mind to a certain course. (Henry Kingsley)..這個醫生已經苦思冥想了一段時間並已決定要採用某種方法. (亨利·金斯利)。
Meditate implies serious consideration,as of undertaking a course of action or of implementing a plan;the term can also denote engagement in deep reflection: Meditate 暗指嚴肅的思考,比如對於採取一項行動或執行一項計畫所做的考慮;這個詞還可表示陷入深深的思考: 例句:.The King struck the blow he had for some time meditated. (William E.H. Lecky). .國王實施了他考慮已久的打擊. (威廉E.H.萊奇)。
例句:.He quitted her presence to meditate upon revenge. (Frederick Marryat).Todeliberate is to think attentively and usually slowly, as about a choice or decision to be made: .他不讓她出現以考慮如何復仇. (弗雷德里克·瑪利亞特)。Deliberate 是指集中注意力地且通常是緩慢地思考, 如對於將要做出的一項選擇或決定的思考:
例句:The jury deliberated for two days before returning a verdict.陪審團在仔細斟酌了兩天后才做出了他們的最後決定。
Ruminate andmull imply turning a matter over and over again in the mind: Ruminate 和mull 暗指把一件事情在腦子裡翻來覆去地想: 例句:.The old warrior king was . . . ruminating on his gloomy fortunes. (Washington Irving). .年邁的武士之王正在…反覆咀嚼他暗淡的命運和前途. (華盛頓·歐文)。
例句:I sat mulling over my problem without finding a solution. Tomuse is to be absorbed in one`s thoughts; the word often connotes an abstracted quality: 我坐著一遍又一遍地思考我的問題,可總是找不到解決辦法。 Muse 是指沉浸在自己的思想中; 該詞經常含有一種抽象的性質:
例句:.And musing there an hour alone,/I dreamed that Greece might still be free. (Byron)..在那默想一個鐘頭,/我夢見希臘也許仍然自由. (拜倫)
study: 普通用詞,指對各方面考慮,在制訂出計畫或採取具體動作之前作認真檢查。
consider: 既指一時的對某事的考慮,也指長時間的深入的思考。
ponder: 側重仔細、深入、連續地考慮問題,以作出認真的估計和正確的抉擇。
weigh: 指作出決策前把問題的各個方面進行比較,權衡利害得失,取有利的方面。
contemplate: 通常指長時間思考某事,有時含無確定的實際目的。
動詞 ponder:
- reflect deeply on a subject同義詞:chew over, think over, meditate, excogitate, contemplate, muse, reflect, mull, mull over, ruminate, speculate
- We pondered whether to tell her.我們考慮是否要告訴她。
- They are pondering moving their offices outside London.他們正在考慮把辦事處搬出倫敦。
- He pondered for some minutes before giving an answer.他思考了幾分鐘才作答覆。
v.(動詞)pon.dered,pon.der.ing,pon.ders v.tr.(及物動詞)To weigh in the mind with thoroughness and care.思索,衡量:在頭腦中徹底且仔細地加以權衡v.intr.(不及物動詞)To reflect or consider with thoroughness and care.仔細考慮,沉思:徹底且仔細地思考或考慮
來源:Middle English ponderen 中古英文 ponderen from Old French ponderer 源自 古法文 ponderer from Latin ponder3re * see (s)pen- 源自 拉丁語 ponder3re *參見 (s)pen-
n.(名詞)<參考辭彙><同義詞>ponder,meditate,deliberate,ruminate,mull,muse同義詞>These verbs mean to consider something carefully and at length. Toponder is to weigh in the mind with painstaking thoroughness and care: 這些動詞表示仔細而詳盡地考慮某件事情。Ponder 是指用煞費苦心的詳盡和仔細在頭腦中權衡: 例句:.He and the council had already pondered the list of members returned to the parliament. (John Morley). .他和委員會已經認真地考慮過了重返國會的人員名單. (約翰·摩利)。
例句:.The Doctor had been pondering, and had made up his mind to a certain course. (Henry Kingsley)..這個醫生已經苦思冥想了一段時間並已決定要採用某種方法. (亨利·金斯利)。
Meditate implies serious consideration,as of undertaking a course of action or of implementing a plan;the term can also denote engagement in deep reflection: Meditate 暗指嚴肅的思考,比如對於採取一項行動或執行一項計畫所做的考慮;這個詞還可表示陷入深深的思考: 例句:.The King struck the blow he had for some time meditated. (William E.H. Lecky). .國王實施了他考慮已久的打擊. (威廉E.H.萊奇)。
例句:.He quitted her presence to meditate upon revenge. (Frederick Marryat).Todeliberate is to think attentively and usually slowly, as about a choice or decision to be made: .他不讓她出現以考慮如何復仇. (弗雷德里克·瑪利亞特)。Deliberate 是指集中注意力地且通常是緩慢地思考, 如對於將要做出的一項選擇或決定的思考:
例句:The jury deliberated for two days before returning a verdict.陪審團在仔細斟酌了兩天后才做出了他們的最後決定。
Ruminate andmull imply turning a matter over and over again in the mind: Ruminate 和mull 暗指把一件事情在腦子裡翻來覆去地想: 例句:.The old warrior king was . . . ruminating on his gloomy fortunes. (Washington Irving). .年邁的武士之王正在…反覆咀嚼他暗淡的命運和前途. (華盛頓·歐文)。
例句:I sat mulling over my problem without finding a solution. Tomuse is to be absorbed in one`s thoughts; the word often connotes an abstracted quality: 我坐著一遍又一遍地思考我的問題,可總是找不到解決辦法。 Muse 是指沉浸在自己的思想中; 該詞經常含有一種抽象的性質:
例句:.And musing there an hour alone,/I dreamed that Greece might still be free. (Byron)..在那默想一個鐘頭,/我夢見希臘也許仍然自由. (拜倫)