音標[feiz] 讀音漢語翻譯
n. 時期, 局面, 方面, 位相, 相, 階段
vt. 使調整相位, 使定相, 使一致, 逐步執行, 實行
【計】 階段
【化】 相; 相位; 位相; 相
【醫】 相(時相,位相), 期
out of phase
phase in
in phase
形容詞:phasic 動詞過去式:phased 過去分詞:phased 現在分詞:phasing 第三人稱單數:phases詞意辨析:
phase, aspect, side, angle這些名詞均有“方面”之意。
phase: 指可以對事物進行觀察或描述或考慮的任何方面。
aspect: 著重以特定觀點對事物進行觀察或考慮。
side: 可與aspect和phase換用,但更著重構成事物全貌的一個或多個方面。
angle: 專指從某一角度去觀察、考慮事物的某個方面。英文解釋:
名詞 phase:
- (physical chemistry) a distinct state of matter in a system; matter that is identical in chemical composition and physical state and separated from other material by the phase boundary同義詞:form
- any distinct time period in a sequence of events同義詞:stage
- a particular point in the time of a cycle; measured from some arbitrary zero and expressed as an angle同義詞:phase angle
- (astronomy) the particular appearance of a body's state of illumination (especially one of the recurring shapes of the part of Earth's moon that is illuminated by the sun)
動詞 phase:
- arrange in phases or stages
- adjust so as to be in a synchronized condition
- The two sets of traffic lights were out of phase.
- The child is going through a difficult phase.那孩子正經歷困難的階段。
n.Abbr. ph.(名詞)縮寫 ph.A distinct stage of development:階段,時期:發展的顯著階段:例句:.The American occupation of Japan fell into three successive phases.(Edwin O. Reischauer).美國占領日本的過程可以劃分三個連續階段.(埃德溫O.賴肖爾)
A temporary manner, attitude, or pattern of behavior:(暫時的)狀態,態度,行為模式:例句:just a passing phase.只是一個過渡段
An aspect; a part:面,方面;部分:例句:every phase of the operation.營運的各個方面
Astronomy One of the cyclically recurring apparent forms of the moon or a planet.【天文學】 (月等的)變相,盈虧:月亮或其它行星周期性的重復出現的明顯形式Physics 【物理學】 A particular stage in a periodic process or phenomenon.相,周相:周期性的過程或現象中的特殊階段The fraction of a complete cycle elapsed as measured from a specified reference point and often expressed as an angle.相角:以一個特定角度觀測到的一個完整循環的一部分,通常用角度表示Chemistry 【化學】 Any of the forms or states, solid, liquid, gas, or plasma, in which matter can exist, depending on temperature and pressure.態:由溫度和氣壓決定的物質存在的形式或狀態,如固體、液體、氣體或原生質等A discrete homogeneous part of a material system that is mechanically separable from the rest, as is ice from water.相:在物質上有分別的同源體系,這個體系在物理上是可以分辨的,如冰和水Biology A characteristic form, appearance, or stage of development that occurs in a cycle or that distinguishes some individuals of a group:【生物學】 型,期:在一個循環中出現的有特色的形式、現象或發展階段,或是使一些個體區別於群體的形式:例句:the white color phase of a weasel; the swarming phase of locusts.鼬鼠的白色外表階段;蝗蟲的群居期及物動詞)phased,, To plan or carry out systematically by phases.使分階段實行:階段性的系統計畫或執行To set or regulate so as to be synchronized.調整相位:為使同步進行而調整或控制
<常用詞組>phase in
To introduce, one stage at a time.分階段引介:一階段一個地引入phase out
To bring or come to an end, one stage at a time.逐步撤除:一次一個階段地結束常用詞組><習慣用語>in phase
In a correlated or synchronized way.按階段:用相關的或同步的方式out of phase
In an unsynchronized or uncorrelated way.不分階段:用不同步的或不相關的方式習慣用語>來源:Back-formation from New Latin phasôs [phases of the moon] 源自 現代拉丁語 phasôs的逆構詞 [月相] from Greek [pl. of] phasis [appearance] 源自 希臘語 [] phasis的複數 [出,現象] from phainein [to show] * see bh3- 源自 phainein [顯示] *參見 bh3-
<參考辭彙><同義詞>phase,aspect,facet,angle,side同義詞>These nouns refer to a particular or possible way of viewing something, such as an object, a situation, or a process.這些名詞均指觀察某些事物,如一個物體、一種情形或一個過程的特殊的或可能的方式。 Phase may denote a change in an object itselfrather than in the viewpoint of an observer ( Phase 可能是指一個物體本身的變化,而不是觀察者觀點的變化( 例句:an ermine in its winter color phase), but the term also refers to a stage or period of change or development: 一隻顯現冬日白色的貂), 但這個詞同時也意指變化或發展的階段或時期:
例句:.A phase of my life was closing tonight, a new one opening tomorrow. (Charlotte Brontô)..我生命的一段歷程於今晚結束,明天將開始新的一程. (夏洛特·勃朗蒂)。
Aspect is the way something appears to an observer at a specific vantage point: Aspect 是觀察者從某一特定的有利的角度觀察到的事物的某一方面: 例句:.In our description of nature the purpose is . . . to track down . . . relations between the manifold aspects of our experience. (Niels Bohr).Afacet is one of numerous aspects, as of a problem: .我們描述天性的目的…在於追蹤…我們的經歷中許多方面之間的關係. (奈爾斯·波耳)。Facet 是許多方面中的一面,如果一個問題的一方面:
例句:studying the many facets of life in manufacturing towns after the Industrial Revolution.研究工業革命後以制造業為主的某城鎮裡生活的許多方面。
Angle suggests a limitation of perspective,frequently with emphasis on the observer`s own point of view: Angle 是暗示了看法的局限性,常著重於觀察者自身的觀點: 例句:an account of the causes of World War II from the angle of the Allies.一個從同盟國角度出發的對第二次世界大戰原因的論述。
Side refers to something having two or more parts or aspects: Side 指具有兩個或更多部分或方面的事物: 例句:.Much might be said on both sides. (Joseph Addison)..對雙方都應該再強調一下. (約瑟夫·阿迪森)
phase: 指可以對事物進行觀察或描述或考慮的任何方面。
aspect: 著重以特定觀點對事物進行觀察或考慮。
side: 可與aspect和phase換用,但更著重構成事物全貌的一個或多個方面。
angle: 專指從某一角度去觀察、考慮事物的某個方面。
名詞 phase:
- (physical chemistry) a distinct state of matter in a system; matter that is identical in chemical composition and physical state and separated from other material by the phase boundary同義詞:form
- any distinct time period in a sequence of events同義詞:stage
- a particular point in the time of a cycle; measured from some arbitrary zero and expressed as an angle同義詞:phase angle
- (astronomy) the particular appearance of a body's state of illumination (especially one of the recurring shapes of the part of Earth's moon that is illuminated by the sun)
動詞 phase:
- arrange in phases or stages
- adjust so as to be in a synchronized condition
- The two sets of traffic lights were out of phase.
- The child is going through a difficult phase.那孩子正經歷困難的階段。
n.Abbr. ph.(名詞)縮寫 ph.A distinct stage of development:階段,時期:發展的顯著階段:例句:.The American occupation of Japan fell into three successive phases.(Edwin O. Reischauer).美國占領日本的過程可以劃分三個連續階段.(埃德溫O.賴肖爾)
A temporary manner, attitude, or pattern of behavior:(暫時的)狀態,態度,行為模式:例句:just a passing phase.只是一個過渡段
An aspect; a part:面,方面;部分:例句:every phase of the operation.營運的各個方面
Astronomy One of the cyclically recurring apparent forms of the moon or a planet.【天文學】 (月等的)變相,盈虧:月亮或其它行星周期性的重復出現的明顯形式Physics 【物理學】 A particular stage in a periodic process or phenomenon.相,周相:周期性的過程或現象中的特殊階段The fraction of a complete cycle elapsed as measured from a specified reference point and often expressed as an angle.相角:以一個特定角度觀測到的一個完整循環的一部分,通常用角度表示Chemistry 【化學】 Any of the forms or states, solid, liquid, gas, or plasma, in which matter can exist, depending on temperature and pressure.態:由溫度和氣壓決定的物質存在的形式或狀態,如固體、液體、氣體或原生質等A discrete homogeneous part of a material system that is mechanically separable from the rest, as is ice from water.相:在物質上有分別的同源體系,這個體系在物理上是可以分辨的,如冰和水Biology A characteristic form, appearance, or stage of development that occurs in a cycle or that distinguishes some individuals of a group:【生物學】 型,期:在一個循環中出現的有特色的形式、現象或發展階段,或是使一些個體區別於群體的形式:例句:the white color phase of a weasel; the swarming phase of locusts.鼬鼠的白色外表階段;蝗蟲的群居期及物動詞)phased,, To plan or carry out systematically by phases.使分階段實行:階段性的系統計畫或執行To set or regulate so as to be synchronized.調整相位:為使同步進行而調整或控制
<常用詞組>phase in
To introduce, one stage at a time.分階段引介:一階段一個地引入phase out
To bring or come to an end, one stage at a time.逐步撤除:一次一個階段地結束常用詞組><習慣用語>in phase
In a correlated or synchronized way.按階段:用相關的或同步的方式out of phase
In an unsynchronized or uncorrelated way.不分階段:用不同步的或不相關的方式習慣用語>來源:Back-formation from New Latin phasôs [phases of the moon] 源自 現代拉丁語 phasôs的逆構詞 [月相] from Greek [pl. of] phasis [appearance] 源自 希臘語 [] phasis的複數 [出,現象] from phainein [to show] * see bh3- 源自 phainein [顯示] *參見 bh3-
<參考辭彙><同義詞>phase,aspect,facet,angle,side同義詞>These nouns refer to a particular or possible way of viewing something, such as an object, a situation, or a process.這些名詞均指觀察某些事物,如一個物體、一種情形或一個過程的特殊的或可能的方式。 Phase may denote a change in an object itselfrather than in the viewpoint of an observer ( Phase 可能是指一個物體本身的變化,而不是觀察者觀點的變化( 例句:an ermine in its winter color phase), but the term also refers to a stage or period of change or development: 一隻顯現冬日白色的貂), 但這個詞同時也意指變化或發展的階段或時期:
例句:.A phase of my life was closing tonight, a new one opening tomorrow. (Charlotte Brontô)..我生命的一段歷程於今晚結束,明天將開始新的一程. (夏洛特·勃朗蒂)。
Aspect is the way something appears to an observer at a specific vantage point: Aspect 是觀察者從某一特定的有利的角度觀察到的事物的某一方面: 例句:.In our description of nature the purpose is . . . to track down . . . relations between the manifold aspects of our experience. (Niels Bohr).Afacet is one of numerous aspects, as of a problem: .我們描述天性的目的…在於追蹤…我們的經歷中許多方面之間的關係. (奈爾斯·波耳)。Facet 是許多方面中的一面,如果一個問題的一方面:
例句:studying the many facets of life in manufacturing towns after the Industrial Revolution.研究工業革命後以制造業為主的某城鎮裡生活的許多方面。
Angle suggests a limitation of perspective,frequently with emphasis on the observer`s own point of view: Angle 是暗示了看法的局限性,常著重於觀察者自身的觀點: 例句:an account of the causes of World War II from the angle of the Allies.一個從同盟國角度出發的對第二次世界大戰原因的論述。
Side refers to something having two or more parts or aspects: Side 指具有兩個或更多部分或方面的事物: 例句:.Much might be said on both sides. (Joseph Addison)..對雙方都應該再強調一下. (約瑟夫·阿迪森)
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