音標[ni:t] 讀音漢語翻譯
a. 整潔的, 巧妙的, 勻稱的, 簡潔的
n. 牛
make a neat job of it
名詞:neatness 副詞:neatly 形容詞比較級:neater 最高級:neatest 名詞複數:neat詞意辨析:
neat, tidy, trim, orderly這些形容詞均含“整齊的、整潔的”之意。
neat: 指人或物外表既清潔又整齊。
tidy: 側重整齊,井然有序。
trim: 著重因線條清晰、比例勻稱而使外觀緊湊、精確、美觀。
orderly: 語義比上述幾個詞強,最常用,指把複雜細微的東西按其內在聯繫安排整齊,側重井井有條。英文解釋:
形容詞 neat:
- clean or orderly
- showing care in execution
- free from what is tawdry or unbecoming同義詞:refined, tasteful
- free from clumsiness; precisely or deftly executed同義詞:clean
- very good同義詞:bang-up, bully, corking, cracking, dandy, great, groovy, keen, nifty, not bad, peachy, slap-up, swell, smashing
- without water同義詞:straight, full-strength
- Your new car is a neat little job, isn't it?你這輛新汽車很精巧哇,是吧?
- The headmaster praised the boys for their neat turn-out.
- She laid her dress on the bed to keep it neat.她把連衣裙放在床上以保持平整。
- He has made neat paths and has built a wooden bridge over a pool.他在花園裡鋪上整潔的小路,並在池塘上架起木橋。
- The naughty boy played a neat trick.這個淘氣的小男孩玩了一個巧妙的花招。
- He keeps his office neat and tidy.他保持辦公室清潔整齊。
adj.(形容詞),neat.est Orderly and clean; tidy.整潔的:整齊的,清潔的;乾淨的Orderly and precise in procedure; systematic.簡潔的:步驟有序的和精確的;系統的Marked by ingenuity and skill; adroit:熟練的:精確地,熟練地完成的;熟練的:例句:a neat turn of phrase.措辭的熟練轉變
Not diluted or mixed with other substances:純粹的,不稀釋的:未稀釋或與其他物質混合的:例句:neat whiskey.純威士忌
Left after all deductions; net:純的:經過所有的過濾後留下來的;純的:例句:neat profit.純利潤
Slang Wonderful; terrific:【俚語】 極好的;極佳的:例句:That was a neat party.那是一次很好的聚會
來源:Anglo-Norman neit [clear, pure] 英法文 neit [乾淨,純淨的] variant of Old French net 古法文 net的變體 from Latin nitidus [elegant, gleaming] 源自 拉丁語 nitidus [上等的,閃爍的] from nitôre [to shine] 源自 nitôre [閃光]
n.(名詞)<參考辭彙><同義詞>neat,tidy,trim,shipshape,spick-and-span,spruce,trig同義詞>These adjectives mean marked by good order and cleanliness.這些形容詞都是與好的次序和乾淨有關的。 Neat implies a pleasingly clean and orderly condition: Neat 指令人心曠神怡的整齊和有序的狀態: 例句:a neat room;整潔的房間;
例句:neat hair.整齊的頭髮。
Tidy emphasizes precise arrangement and order: Tidy 強調考究的布置和次序: 例句:.When she saw me come in tidy and well dressed, she even smiled. (Charlotte Brontô)..當她看到我穿著整潔,服裝考究地進來時,她甚至笑了. (夏洛蒂·勃朗特)。
Trim stresses especially smart appearance resulting from neatness, tidiness, and pleasing proportions: Trim 尤其強調由於乾淨、整潔和令人舒服的搭配而表現出來的整齊美觀: 例句:.A trim little sailboat was dancing out at her moorings. (Herman Melville)..一個整齊美觀的小海船正在她的停留處漂動. (赫爾曼·梅爾維爾)。
Shipshape evokes the meticulous order and neatness that might be found aboard a ship: Shipshape 含有可能在船隻中具有的整潔和井然有序: 例句:.We`ll try to make this barn a little more shipshape. (Rudyard Kipling)..我們將儘量使這個船隻更加井然有序. (魯德亞德·吉普林)。
Spick-and-span suggests the immaculate freshness and cleanliness of something new: Spick-and-span 表示極端清新和清潔的狀態: 例句:.young men in spick-and-span uniforms. (Edith Wharton)..衣冠楚楚的年輕人. (伊迪斯·華頓)。
Spruce implies neatness and smartness, as of dress or appearance: Spruce 指服裝或外表的乾淨和整潔: 例句:.a good-looking man; spruce and dapper, and very tidy. (Anthony Trollope)..容貌好看的人;漂亮整潔的,並且非常潔淨. (安東尼·特羅洛普)。
Trig suggests sprightly smartness: Trig 包含活潑漂亮的意思: 例句:.the trig corporal, with the little visorless cap worn so jauntily. (William Dean Howells)..那個帶著一頂如此活潑的無沿帽的整潔的下士. (威廉·迪安·豪威爾斯)
neat 2
n.(名詞)【複數】 neat 【古語】 A cow or other domestic bovine animal.家牛:牛或其它家養的屬於牛屬的那種動物
來源:Middle English net 中古英文 net from Old English nôat 源自 古英文 nôat
neat: 指人或物外表既清潔又整齊。
tidy: 側重整齊,井然有序。
trim: 著重因線條清晰、比例勻稱而使外觀緊湊、精確、美觀。
orderly: 語義比上述幾個詞強,最常用,指把複雜細微的東西按其內在聯繫安排整齊,側重井井有條。
形容詞 neat:
- clean or orderly
- showing care in execution
- free from what is tawdry or unbecoming同義詞:refined, tasteful
- free from clumsiness; precisely or deftly executed同義詞:clean
- very good同義詞:bang-up, bully, corking, cracking, dandy, great, groovy, keen, nifty, not bad, peachy, slap-up, swell, smashing
- without water同義詞:straight, full-strength
- Your new car is a neat little job, isn't it?你這輛新汽車很精巧哇,是吧?
- The headmaster praised the boys for their neat turn-out.
- She laid her dress on the bed to keep it neat.她把連衣裙放在床上以保持平整。
- He has made neat paths and has built a wooden bridge over a pool.他在花園裡鋪上整潔的小路,並在池塘上架起木橋。
- The naughty boy played a neat trick.這個淘氣的小男孩玩了一個巧妙的花招。
- He keeps his office neat and tidy.他保持辦公室清潔整齊。
adj.(形容詞),neat.est Orderly and clean; tidy.整潔的:整齊的,清潔的;乾淨的Orderly and precise in procedure; systematic.簡潔的:步驟有序的和精確的;系統的Marked by ingenuity and skill; adroit:熟練的:精確地,熟練地完成的;熟練的:例句:a neat turn of phrase.措辭的熟練轉變
Not diluted or mixed with other substances:純粹的,不稀釋的:未稀釋或與其他物質混合的:例句:neat whiskey.純威士忌
Left after all deductions; net:純的:經過所有的過濾後留下來的;純的:例句:neat profit.純利潤
Slang Wonderful; terrific:【俚語】 極好的;極佳的:例句:That was a neat party.那是一次很好的聚會
來源:Anglo-Norman neit [clear, pure] 英法文 neit [乾淨,純淨的] variant of Old French net 古法文 net的變體 from Latin nitidus [elegant, gleaming] 源自 拉丁語 nitidus [上等的,閃爍的] from nitôre [to shine] 源自 nitôre [閃光]
n.(名詞)<參考辭彙><同義詞>neat,tidy,trim,shipshape,spick-and-span,spruce,trig同義詞>These adjectives mean marked by good order and cleanliness.這些形容詞都是與好的次序和乾淨有關的。 Neat implies a pleasingly clean and orderly condition: Neat 指令人心曠神怡的整齊和有序的狀態: 例句:a neat room;整潔的房間;
例句:neat hair.整齊的頭髮。
Tidy emphasizes precise arrangement and order: Tidy 強調考究的布置和次序: 例句:.When she saw me come in tidy and well dressed, she even smiled. (Charlotte Brontô)..當她看到我穿著整潔,服裝考究地進來時,她甚至笑了. (夏洛蒂·勃朗特)。
Trim stresses especially smart appearance resulting from neatness, tidiness, and pleasing proportions: Trim 尤其強調由於乾淨、整潔和令人舒服的搭配而表現出來的整齊美觀: 例句:.A trim little sailboat was dancing out at her moorings. (Herman Melville)..一個整齊美觀的小海船正在她的停留處漂動. (赫爾曼·梅爾維爾)。
Shipshape evokes the meticulous order and neatness that might be found aboard a ship: Shipshape 含有可能在船隻中具有的整潔和井然有序: 例句:.We`ll try to make this barn a little more shipshape. (Rudyard Kipling)..我們將儘量使這個船隻更加井然有序. (魯德亞德·吉普林)。
Spick-and-span suggests the immaculate freshness and cleanliness of something new: Spick-and-span 表示極端清新和清潔的狀態: 例句:.young men in spick-and-span uniforms. (Edith Wharton)..衣冠楚楚的年輕人. (伊迪斯·華頓)。
Spruce implies neatness and smartness, as of dress or appearance: Spruce 指服裝或外表的乾淨和整潔: 例句:.a good-looking man; spruce and dapper, and very tidy. (Anthony Trollope)..容貌好看的人;漂亮整潔的,並且非常潔淨. (安東尼·特羅洛普)。
Trig suggests sprightly smartness: Trig 包含活潑漂亮的意思: 例句:.the trig corporal, with the little visorless cap worn so jauntily. (William Dean Howells)..那個帶著一頂如此活潑的無沿帽的整潔的下士. (威廉·迪安·豪威爾斯)
neat 2
n.(名詞)【複數】 neat 【古語】 A cow or other domestic bovine animal.家牛:牛或其它家養的屬於牛屬的那種動物
來源:Middle English net 中古英文 net from Old English nôat 源自 古英文 nôat
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