音標['meni] 讀音漢語翻譯
n. 多數, 多數人
a. 許多的
pron. 許多
the many
as many as
half as many again
many a time
many a man
many's the
many's the time
so many
a good many
a great many
as many
as many again
many and many a time
形容詞比較級:more 最高級:most英文解釋:
形容詞 many:
- a quantifier that can be used with count nouns and is often preceded by `as' or `too' or `so' or `that'; amounting to a large but indefinite number
- Many languages have Latin as their base.許多語言都以拉丁語為基礎。
- Many people believe that prison isn't a cure for crime.
- Many diseases are caused by bacteria.許多疾病是由細菌引起的。
- Many dogs have a good nose.多數狗嗅覺都很靈。
- Many people would like to take holidays abroad.許多人願意到國外度假。
- How many students are there in your class?你們班有多少個學生?
adj.(形容詞)more[môr, môr] most[môst] Being one of a large, indefinite number; numerous:無數的:一個大而不確定數目的;為數眾多的:例句:many a child; many another day.許多孩子;許多別的日子
Amounting to or consisting of a large, indefinite number:許多的:達到或包括一個大而不確定的數目:例句:many friends.許多朋友
n.(used with a pl. verb)(名詞)(與複數動詞連用)A large, indefinite number:許多:一個大而不確定的數目:例句:A good many of the workers had the flu.有許多工人得了流感
The majority of the people; the masses:大多數人;民眾:例句:.The many fail, the one succeeds.(Tennyson).大眾失敗,一人成功.(坦尼森)
pron.(used with a pl. verb)(代詞)(與複數動詞連用)A large number of persons or things:許多人或物:例句:.For many are called, but few are chosen.(Matthew 22:4).儘管被召見的人多,選上的人卻很少.(馬太福音22:4)
<習慣用語>as many
The same number of:同等數目的:例句:moved three times in as many years.在三年里搬了三次家
習慣用語>來源:Middle English 中古英文 from Old English manig * see menegh- 源自 古英文 manig *參見 menegh-