音標[hi'st?rik] 讀音漢語翻譯
a. 歷史上著名的, 有歷史性的
形容詞 historic:
- belonging to the past; of what is important or famous in the past同義詞:historical
- important in history
- The historic strike gave an enormous impetus to the whole American labor movement.這次歷史性的罷工對整個美國的勞工運動起了很大的推動作用。
- The small symbols on this map denote historic places and museums.這個地圖上的小記號表示史跡興博物館。
- This battle is of historic meaning.這一戰具有歷史意義。
adj.(形容詞)Having importance in or influence on history.在歷史上重要的,有歷史影響的Historical.歷史的,歷史上的
Historic and historical are differentiated in usage, though their senses overlap.Historic refers to what is important in history: Historic 和 historical 儘管在意義上有重疊的地方, 但用法上有區別。Historic 指歷史上有重要意義的: 例句:the historic first voyage to outer space. 具有歷史意義的首次太空旅行。
It is also used of what is famous or interesting because of its association with persons or events in history: 而且也用於形容那些因與歷史事件或人物有聯繫而有名或有趣的事物: 例句:a historic house.故居。
Historicalrefers to whatever existed in the past, whether regarded as important or not: Historical是指不管重要與否而在過去存在的所有事物: 例句:a historical character.歷史人物。
Historicalrefers also to anything concerned with history or the study of the past: Historical也指與歷史或對過去的研究有關的事物: 例句:a historical novel;歷史小說;
例句:historical discoveries. 歷史發現。
The differentiation between the words is not complete.They are often used interchangeably:historic times or historical times. 但這兩個詞並不是截然不同的。它們經常可換用:historic times 或 historical times
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