音標[h?:l] 讀音漢語翻譯
n. 門廳, 走廊, 會堂
名詞 hall:
- an interior passage or corridor onto which rooms open同義詞:hallway
- a large entrance or reception room or area同義詞:anteroom, antechamber, entrance hall, foyer, lobby, vestibule
- a large room for gatherings or entertainment
- a college or university building containing living quarters for students同義詞:dormitory, dorm, residence hall, student residence
- the large room of a manor or castle同義詞:manor hall
- English writer whose novel about a lesbian relationship was banned in Britain for many years (1883-1943)同義詞:Radclyffe Hall, Marguerite Radclyffe Hall
- United States child psychologist whose theories of child psychology strongly influenced educational psychology (1844-1924)同義詞:G. Stanley Hall, Granville Stanley Hall
- United States chemist who developed an economical method of producing aluminum from bauxite (1863-1914)同義詞:Charles Martin Hall
- United States explorer who led three expeditions to the Arctic (1821-1871)同義詞:Charles Francis Hall
- United States astronomer who discovered Phobos and Deimos (the two satellites of Mars) (1829-1907)同義詞:Asaph Hall
- a large and imposing house同義詞:mansion, mansion house, manse, residence
- a large building used by a college or university for teaching or research
- a large building for meetings or entertainment
- A multitude of people gathered at the gate of the exhibition hall.大群人聚集在展覽大廳的門口。
- There were plenty of people in front of the town's Hall.在城鎮的大禮堂前有許多人。
- There was a low murmur of conversation in the hall.大廳里有竊竊私語聲。
- The systematic arrangement of chairs makes the hall look spacious.
- His voice echoed in the big empty hall.他的聲音在空蕩的大廳里發出回聲。
- Morning assemblage is held in the school hall.晨會在學校禮堂舉行。
- The lecture is to be delivered at the hall.演講將在大廳進行。
n.(名詞)A corridor or passageway in a building.過道,走廊:一個建築物中的過道或走廊A large entrance room or vestibule in a building; a lobby.大廳,前廳:一個建築物中大的門廳;前廳
A building for public gatherings or entertainments.娛樂中心:用於公眾集會或娛樂的建築物The large room in which such events are held.用於此類活動的大的房間A building used for the meetings, entertainments, or living quarters of a fraternity, sorority, church, or other social or religious organization.會所:用於集會、娛樂或為大學的兄弟會、姊妹會、教堂、別的社會或宗教組織提供住處的建築
A building belonging to a school, college, or university that provides classroom, dormitory, or dining facilities.講堂,教室,宿舍,餐廳:學校、學院或大學中提供教室、宿舍或飲食便利的建築物A large room in such a building.大房間:這樣的建築物中的一間大房子The group of students using such a building:學生:一群正在使用這樣一所建築的學生:例句:The entire hall stayed up late studying.整所房子裡的學生熬到很晚還在學習
Chiefly British A meal served in such a building.【多用於英國】 公共食堂中的一餐:在這樣的建築物中的一頓飯The main house on a landed estate.府第:住宅區中的主房
The castle or house of a medieval monarch or noble.宅邸:中世紀王公、貴族的城堡或房宇The principal room in such a castle or house, used for dining, entertaining, and sleeping.主廳,會客廳:這樣的城堡、樓宇中的用於宴會、娛樂、睡眠的主要房間
來源:Middle English halle [large residence] 中古英文 halle [大的住宅] from Old English heall * see kel- 源自 古英文 heall *參見 kel-
<注釋>Thehalls of academe and city hall remind us that what we commonly mean by the wordhall, .a passageway, an entrance room,. represents a shrunken version of whathall once commonly designated. Going back to the Indo-European rootkel- , .to cover,. the Old English wordheall, ancestor of our hall, referred to .a large place covered by a roof, whether a royal residence, an official building, or a large private residence, or a large room in a residencewhere the public life of the household is carried on..These senses and related ones are still in use,as is attested bytown hall and halls of academe. Our common use of the termhall for a vestibule or a corridor harks back to medieval times when the hall was the main public room of a residenceand people lived much less privately than now.As private rooms in houses took on the importance they have today,the hall lost its function.Hall also had come to mean any large room, and the vestibule was at one time one of the main sitting rooms in a house,but this sort of room has largely disappeared also,andhall has become the designation for the small vestibule of today as well as for an entrance passage or any passageway.halls of academe 以及 city hall 提醒我們注意: 我們通常把hall 這個詞定義為.走廊,門廳., 反映出hall 這詞當初設定時的通常含義的種種痕跡。 追溯到該詞的印歐語詞根kel- , 意思是.去覆蓋., 我們hall 這個詞的來源是古英文中 heall 這個詞, 它指的是.一個有屋頂覆蓋的大地方或者屬於皇室住宅、政府建築或是一座大的私人府第或者是一所住宅中的大房子,主人在其中進行社交活動.。這些概念或與之相關的意思直到今天還有,比如說town hall 和 halls of academe 。 我們現在一般所用的,把hall 當作門廳或走廊的用法可以追溯到中世紀, 那時大廳是居住者的最主要的起居室,人們生活還沒有今天這么隱私化,於今日個人房間在生活中占主要地位,大廳失去了它當年的功用。Hall 還曾意味著大房間, 而門廳在過去一段時間內曾是房屋中主要的一處起居室,但這樣的房子大部分也都消失了,而hall 的意思已經變成指那些當今小的走廊, 或者是進出口處的走廊,或者是隨便哪個走廊注釋>
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