音標['kreifiʃ] 讀音漢語翻譯
n. 小龍蝦詞型變化:
名詞複數:crayfish 異體字:crawfish英文解釋:
名詞 crayfish:
- warm-water lobsters without claws; those from Australia and South Africa usually marketed as frozen tails; caught also in Florida and California同義詞:spiny lobster, langouste, rock lobster
- tiny lobster-like crustaceans usually boiled briefly同義詞:crawfish, crawdad, ecrevisse
- small freshwater decapod crustacean that resembles a lobster同義詞:crawfish, crawdad, crawdaddy
- large edible marine crustacean having a spiny carapace but lacking the large pincers of true lobsters同義詞:spiny lobster, langouste, rock lobster, crawfish, sea crawfish
n.(名詞)【複數】 crayfish 或 也作 crawfish 或 Any of various freshwater crustaceans of the generaCambarus and Astacus, resembling a lobster but considerably smaller. Also called Regional crawdad ,mudbug 螯蝦:任一種喇蛄屬 和 螯蝦屬 的淡水甲殼類動物,形狀象龍蝦但比龍蝦要小 也作 【區域的】 crawdad,mudbugSee spiny lobster 參見 spiny lobster
來源:By folk etymology from Middle English crevise 源自 中古英文 crevise的民間詞源 from Old French crevice 源自 古法文 crevice perhaps from Old High German krebiz [edible crustacean] * see gerbh- 可能源自 古高地德文 krebiz [可食用甲殼類動物] *參見 gerbh-
<注釋>The crayfish, also known as the crawfish, owes its name to a misunderstanding.The actual source of the word may be the Old High German wordkrebiz, .edible crustacean,. or a word related to it.From this Germanic source came Old Frenchcrevice, which when taken into English becamecrevise (first recorded in a document written in 3-32). In Old French and Middle English these words designated the crayfish.People began to pronounce and spell the last part of this word as if it werefish, the firstfish spelling (actually fysshes ) being recorded in 555. Because of a variation in Anglo-Norman pronunciation,two forms of the word have come down to Modern English:crayfish and crawfish. 螯蝦又名crawfish,正是出於誤解才有現在這個名字。該詞的真正來源可能是古高地德文中krebiz 一詞, 意為.可食用的甲殼類動物.,或與之相關的一詞。從這個日耳曼語詞源中出現了古法文crevice 一詞, 該詞被借用入英文中變成了crevise (初次記錄在3-32年間所寫的一個檔案中)。 在古法文和中世紀英文中這一詞被稱為crayfish。人們開始用fish 來發音和拼寫這個詞的後半部分, 而第一個fish 拼寫法(實際上是 fysshes )被記錄於555年。 由於英國法文發音的差異,這個詞的兩種變體,即crayfish 和 crawfish 就共同延續到了現代英文中 注釋>
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