音標['k?nt?b?ri] 讀音漢語翻譯
n. 坎特伯雷(中世紀時宗教朝聖地)
名詞 canterbury:
- a town in Kent in southeastern England; site of the cathedral where Thomas a Becket was martyred in 1170; seat of the archbishop and primate of the Anglican Church
- The pop festival has shocked the good burgher of canterbury.
- One day, in dim and distant times many travelers assembled at a traditional English inn to go on an outing to the Cathedral of Canterbury.
- The pop festival has shocked the good burghers of Canterbury.流行歌曲音樂匯演震動了坎特伯雷有頭有臉的市民。
NONE(無詞性)A city of southeast Australia, a suburb of Sydney. Population, 28,000.坎特伯雷:澳大利亞東南部一城市,為悉尼的一個郊區。人口28,000A borough of southeast England on the Stour River east-southeast of London. Canterbury Cathedral (th-'th century) is the seat of the archbishop and primate of the Anglican Communion. Built on the site of an abbey founded by Saint Augustine c. '00, it was the scene of the murder of Thomas à Becket (70). Population, 3',000.坎特伯雷:英格蘭東南部一座自治市,位於倫敦東南偏東斯陶爾河畔。坎特伯雷大教堂(建於-'世紀)是英國聖公會的大主教和首席主教的住地。建在由聖奧古斯丁在公元'00年建立的一個修道院的遺址上,是托馬斯·貝科特被謀殺的地點(70年)。人口3',000
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