首頁>> 英漢字典>> B開頭詞條>>back up的意思

back up



支持, 倒退, 給...裝上背襯


名詞 back up:

  1. an accumulation caused by clogging or a stoppage
  2. someone who takes the place of another (as when things get dangerous or difficult)
    同義詞:stand-in, substitute, relief, reliever, backup, backup man, fill-in
  3. a subordinate musical part; provides background for more important parts
    同義詞:accompaniment, musical accompaniment, backup, support
  4. (computer science) a copy of a file or directory on a separate storage device
    同義詞:backup, computer backup
  5. the act of providing approval and support
    同義詞:backing, backup, championship, patronage

動詞 back up:

  1. give moral or psychological support, aid, or courage to
  2. move backwards from a certain position
    同義詞:back off, back down
  3. establish as valid or genuine
  4. make a copy of (a computer file) especially for storage in another place as a security copy
  5. become or cause to become obstructed
    同義詞:clog, choke off, clog up, congest, choke, foul


  1. His condescending attitude really gets my back up.
  2. He drought along a file of document to back up his claim.
  3. As the1979 deadline came nearer, some states which at first had backed up the Equal Right Amendment changed their mind and voted against it.
  4. The bus had to back up and turn around.

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