首頁>> 英漢字典>> A開頭詞條>>adopted的意思


音標[ә'dɒptid] 讀音


a. 被收養的, 被採用的


動詞 adopt:

  1. choose and follow; as of theories, ideas, policies, strategies or plans
    同義詞:adopt, follow, espouse
  2. take up and practice as one's own
    同義詞:adopt, borrow, take over, take up
  3. take on titles, offices, duties, responsibilities
    同義詞:assume, adopt, take on, take over
  4. take on a certain form, attribute, or aspect
    同義詞:assume, acquire, adopt, take on, take
  5. take into one's family
    同義詞:adopt, take in
  6. put into dramatic form
    同義詞:dramatize, dramatise, adopt
  7. take up the cause, ideology, practice, method, of someone and use it as one's own
    同義詞:espouse, embrace, adopt, sweep up

形容詞 adopted:

  1. acquired as your own by free choice
  2. having been taken into a specific relationship


  1. He is their adopted son.
  2. He's not our natural son we adopted him when he was three.
  3. New methods of teaching foreign languages are adopted in this institute.
  4. As they had no children of their own, they adopted an orphan.
  5. The government adopted an uncompromising posture on the issue of independence.
  6. A member of the left-wing majority group of the Russian Social Democratic Workers' Party that adopted Lenin's theses on party organization in1903.
  7. As a rule of thumb, a one-cent-a-gallon gasoline tax raises$1 billion. Oil producers in President-elect Bush's adopted state of Texas, however, would rather see a tax on imported crude oil.
  8. The babies, Carolina and Pablo, grew into bright and healthy children, ... By some accounts, they knew they were adopted. By all accounts, they were lovingly cared for.
    嬰兒卡羅萊娜跟巴卜羅長成又聰明又健康的兒童 ... 據某些人說,他們知道他們是被收養的。據所有的人說,他們有受到疼愛與照顧
