拼音:zuì xíng英文解釋:
crime; guilt; malefaction; maleficence; misdeed; offence【法】 criminal act; guilt; malefaction; maleficence; misdoings; peccancy; sin
犯罪的行為 >>查看“罪行”在國語詞典中的解釋漢語造句:
- 指使罪行加重的事,通常指攜帶武器Ssmething usually the carry of a weapon which make a crime more serious
- 用暴力拘禁某人的犯罪行為。the act of taking of a person by force.
- 走私毒品是嚴重的罪行。Drug-smuggling is a serious crime
- 兇手殘忍的犯罪行為。violent or brutal acts as of thugs.
- 歸因於罪行或責備的人。someone who imputes guilt or blame.
- 清白由於對罪惡的無知而無罪惡、道德失常或罪行Freedom from sin, moral wrong, or guilt through lack of knowledge of evil.
- 為候選人投偽造票是犯罪行為。It is a crime to stuff the ballot box
- 罪犯犯了某種罪行的人;犯人One that has committed a crime; a criminal