拼音:zuì kuí英文解釋:
chief criminal【法】 prime culprit; supercriminal
罪惡行為的頭子 >>查看“罪魁”在國語詞典中的解釋中英例句:
- 漢森認為"溫室氣體"排放量增加是罪魁禍首。He blamed a buildup of heat-trapping greenhouse gases.
- 美國大選是造成這種情況的“罪魁禍首”嗎?Blame it on the presidential election?
- 漢森認為"溫室氣體"排放量增加是罪魁禍首。He blamed a buildup of heat-trapping greenhouse gases
- 罪魁禍首便是製造生物燃料如乙醇的糧食使用的增加。The culprit is the growing use of grains to make biofuels, such as ethanol.
- 我們的不良生活習慣是出現便秘的罪魁禍首。Our lifestyle is very much to blame for constipation.
- 是破壞和平的罪魁禍首。DalaiLama is responsible for breach of the peace.
- 那個罪魁集團掌握了州長的確鑿罪證並且正在敲詐他。The crime syndicate has the goods on the governor and are blackmailing him.