拼音:zuì fàn英文解釋:
convict; criminal; culprit; offender; outlaw【法】 bedeweri; convict; convicted person; criminal; criminal offender
culprit; delinquent; law offender; malefactor; mug; offenders; yardbird
(1) ∶犯罪的人(2) ∶罪過;過失汝今何罪過。——《... >>查看“罪犯”在國語詞典中的解釋相關對話:
- 他們很快就查明了罪犯。They got in to the offender very soon.
- 那個罪犯肯定要在監獄裡面待很久了,他被判刑四十年。The guilty criminal got a lifer,he was sentenced to forty years in prison
- 罪犯被發現或宣布犯有某種過錯或罪行的人A person found or declared guilty of an offense or crime.
- 警方必須竭盡全力追捕罪犯,將他們繩之以法。The police must do all they can to bring criminals to justice.
- 對罪犯予以嚴懲inflict severe punishments on criminals
- 罪犯往往也有賴以生存的行為準則;盜亦有道Criminals often have their own standards of behaviour that they live by
- 罪犯向神父懺悔。The criminal confessed to the priest.
- 罪犯得到了無期徒刑,他被判了40年監禁。The guilty criminal got a lifer, he was sentenced to forty years in prison.