拼音:zuān yán 英文解釋:
burrow; dig into; dive into; pore; study intensively中文解釋:
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查看“鑽研”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
noodlework 2.
diveinto 3.
delveinto 4.
delve 5.
poreover 6.
dug 7.
dig 8.
workat... 漢語造句:
- 他仍然鑽研他的生物學。
He still worked at his biology.
- 他在鑽研生物學。
He is digging at biology.
- 考期臨近了,所以學生們確實在刻苦鑽研。
Now that the exam is near, the students are really going at their studies.
- 我們花了很長時間鑽研素描。
We pored over the sketches for a long time.
- 潛心鑽研一個新項目
Dive into a new project
- 一個學者必須深入鑽研自己的學科。
A scholar must bore into his subject
- 學習時,他聚精會神地鑽研功課。
When studying, he focused his attention on his lessons.
- 他鑽研許多古書與檔案,以尋找事實。
He delve into lots of old book and papers for the fact.