拼音:zuān tàn英文解釋:
drilling【經】 exploration
鑽挖勘探,取樣分析,尋找礦藏鑽探大隊 >>查看“鑽探”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.misering 2.probeboring 3.boreholesurveying 4.probedrilling 5.prospectdrilling 6.scoutdrilling 7.explorationdrilling 8.exploratorydrilling 9.explorationboring 10.boring 11.wildcatdrilling 12.exploratoryboring例句:
- 經數月鑽探,在沿海找到了石油。After months of drilling, oil was found off the coast.
- 自那以後,我在自己熟悉的一行(在巴西鑽探石油)里幹了好多種工作,現在我已跟著一個石油公司來到了海灣地區。Since then I've had a variety of jobs in my own line of country—deep drilling in Brazil, and I've been up the Gulf with an oil concern.
- 通過鑽探發現很有開採價值的油層。Valuable deposits of oil have been found by drilling.
- 鑽探的其中一個洞是放下麥克風和攝像機。One hole is for a microphone and camera
- 他們停止鑽探是因為那兒沒有油了。There is no more oil there which is why they stopped drilling.
- 貝塔分布與鑽探取心率的質量控制(一)Beta Distribution and Quality Contrel of Drill-Core Recovery
- 經數月鑽探,在沿海找到了石油After months of drilling, oil was found off the coast
- 他們採用了一種高速鑽探的特殊方法。They introduced a special method of high-speed drilling.