拼音:zǒu lòu英文解釋:
divulge; filter; leak out中文解釋:
(1) ∶泄漏走漏風聲(2) ∶走私漏稅(3) ∶大宗的東西部分失竊 >>查看“走漏”在國語詞典中的解釋中英例句:
- 訊息走漏了。The news leaked out.
- 失敗的訊息走漏了出來。News of the defeat filtered through.
- 用不了多久他準會走漏訊息的。He is sure to spill the beans before long.
- 貝茨很憤怒,要查出來是誰走漏的訊息。Bates was furious and demanded to know who had leaked the information.
- 為封住某人的嘴而不讓其走漏秘密的花費。a payment made to someone to insure that something is kept secret
- 她從未走漏這個訊息。She never breathed a word of this .