拼音:zǒu gāng sī 英文解釋:
ropedancer; ropewalker; wirewalking中文解釋:
(1) ∶在拉緊懸空的繩上走、跳舞或表演翻筋斗(2) ∶比喻一個人善於利用各種力... >>
查看“走鋼絲”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
wiredancing 2.
wiredancing 3.
wire-walking 例句:
- 孩子們在看走鋼絲表演時都緊張極了。
The children were all keyed up over the show of wire walking.
- 孩子們在看走鋼絲表演時都興奮極了。
The children were all keyed up over the show of wire-walking.
- 在那位走鋼絲者安全到達另一邊前,我們都一直提心弔膽。
The tightrope walker had us on tenterhooks until her reached the safety of the other side.
- 保持平衡的人表演平衡技巧的人,如走鋼絲者
A person who performs feats of balance, such as tightrope walking.
- 他們在看走鋼絲表演時都緊張極了。
They were all strung up over the show of wire-walking.
- 她敢於不用網子走鋼絲。
She dared to walk the tightrope without a net
- 保持平衡的人表演平衡技巧的人,如走鋼絲者
A person who performs feats of balance, such as tightrope walking