拼音:zòng rán 英文解釋:
even if; though中文解釋:
縱使,縱令、即使——用在偏正複句的偏句中,表示讓步關係,... >>
查看“縱然”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
evenif/though 中英例句:
- 縱然蠢人並未控制這世界,那並非因為他們未占多數。
If the fools do not control the world, it isn't because they are not in the majority.
- 吉姆打算在下一次賽跑中拚命跑,縱然要累死也在所不惜。
Jim intends to go for broke in the race, even though the effort may kill him.
- 不過,縱然我們與閃電關係密切,但是對其成因卻依舊毫無概念。
Yet despite its familiarity, we still do not know what causes lightning.
- 縱然任務艱巨,我們也要及時完成。
We will manage to accomplish the task in time even though it is difficult.
- 縱然有狂風暴雨,約翰照樣按時送報。
In spite of the bad storm John delivered his papers on time.
- 縱然時光飛逝,你我的友情地久天長!
No matter how fast time flies, our friendship stands for ever.
- 縱然上帝已賜給我們美質,但知識惟以代價購之於圩市。-克勒夫
Grace is given by God, but knowledge is bought in the market.-A. H. Clough