拼音:zhù yì lì 英文解釋:
集中於某一方面的心思。 巴金 《關於<海的夢>》:“等到書搬了出來,小說的人物、... >>
查看“注意力”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
attentiveness 例句:
- 講話聲音有些抑揚變化可以吸引住聽眾的注意力。
By inflecting the voice more one can hold the attention of an audience.
- 別分散我的注意力--我正要學習呢!
Don't distract my attention I'm trying to study!
- 他揮手以吸引我的注意力。
He waved his hand to catch my attention.
- 一陣喧鬧聲轉移了我們的注意力。
A loud noise diverted my attention.
- 他總想成為注意力的焦點。
He always wants to be the focus of attention.
- 你應該把注意力放到工作上。
You should focus your attention on your work.
- 那純粹是障眼法,用以分散人們對他真正意圖的注意力。
It was all a ploy to distract attention from his real aims.