拼音:zhù yì英文解釋:
pay attention to; heed; keep one's eyes open; look to; notice; observe; see to【計】 ATTN
【醫】 attention
(1) ∶留意 注意鑽研業務(2) ∶重視;關注要注意,法律必須得到忠實的執行 >>查看“注意”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.heed 2.notabene 3.payattentionto 4.looksharp 5.keepone'seyesopen 6.tendto 7.wariness 8.reck 9.attendto... 10.advertency 11.advertence 12.advert 13.beheedfulof 14.giveone'sattentionto 15.takenotice相關對話:
- 他呆在幕後為了避開公眾的注意。He stayed in the background to escape from the public attention.
- 我們應該多注意危險的思想意識對年輕人的影響。We should pay more attention to the infection of young people with dangerous ideologies.
- 她很快成為大家注意的人物。She soon becomes the centre of attention.
- 請大家注意一下。May I have your attention, please?
- 你的工作特點是缺乏對細節的注意。Your work is characterized by lack of attention to details.
- 她的光滑柔軟的長髮吸引了一位攝影師的注意。Her silken long hair attracted the attention of a photographer.
- 他們的越洋冒險旅行引起了公眾的注意。Their perilous journey across the ocean has attracted public attention.
- 我們必須對那個神秘的陌生人嚴加注意。We must pay special attention to the mysterious stranger.