拼音:zhù shì英文翻譯
annotate; annotation; commentary; exegesis; gloss; notation; scholium【計】 annotate; remark
【經】 explanation; explanatory note
1.comment 2.commentary 3.annotation 4.comments 5.scholium 6.remarks 7.annotate 8.note 9.gloss 10.exegesis 11.gloze 12.explanatorynote 13.noting 14.exposition 15.notation 16.postil例句:
- 註解,注釋,評註評註或註解的行為或過程The act or process of furnishing critical commentary or explanatory notes.
- 腳註放在書或手稿的頁底的注釋,對文中的標明的一部分加以評論或引出參考書目A note placed at the bottom of a page of a book or manuscript that comments on or cites a reference for a designated part of the text.
- 這些注釋有助於弄清文中最難懂的部分。The note help to elucidate the most difficult parts of the text.
- 注釋者編寫或發出一篇評論或多篇評論的人One who writes or delivers a commentary or commentaries.