拼音:zhù fú de 英文解釋:
beatific; benedictory相關對話:
- 未受祝福的
Deprived of a blessing.
- 未受祝福的
Deprived of a blessing
- 聖誕,是細數祝福的好日子。
Christmas is a great day to count our blessings .
- 聖誕,是細數祝福的好日子。
Christmas is a great day to count our blessings
- 我認為你們應該和解,像往常一樣邀請他們來與你共度聖誕節。畢竟,現在應該是和平與衷心祝福的時候。
is supposed to be the season of peace and good will after all
- 總結在本課中描述的祝福的類型和過程。
Summarize the types and processes of blessings described in this lesson.
- 賀禮在企業開張或新年伊始之時用以表示祝福的禮品
A gift to express good wishes at the beginning of a new year or enterprise