字典網>> 漢英字典>> Z開頭詞條>>祝的英文翻譯 “祝”的日文翻譯



express good wishes; wish


祝 zhù 表示對人對事的美好願望:祝福。祝壽。祝捷。祝辭。馨香禱祝。 古代指...


  1. 願新年的福帶給你希望與喜悅!
    May the blessings of new year fill you heart with hope and joy!
  2. 您考試成功。
    I wish you success in the examination.
  3. 您一路順風!有一趟安全的旅遊。
    Bon voyage! Have a safe tour
  4. 你們年年歡樂。
    We wish that you will be contented every year.
  5. 本周六(9/21)是中秋節大家有一個快樂的節日。
    Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival; we wish everyone a happy holiday
  6. 您回國旅途愉快,希望我們不久後再重逢。
    A happy journey home, and hope to see you again soon
  7. 他們被邀參加北京的五一慶活動。
    They were invited to take part in the May Day celebrations in Beijing.
  8. 謹向我們所有的讀者敬聖誕快樂!
    A merry Xmas to all our readers!
