- 這就是說,在中國註冊的商標在另一個國家不受法律的保護。
That's to say, a trademark registered in China will not be legally protected in another country.
- 汽車是用我的名字登記註冊的。
The car was registered in my name.
- 在學院或大學登記註冊的學生。
a student enrolled in a college or university.
- 註:已註冊的參加者將獲發聽講證書。
Note: A Certificate of Attendance will be given to registered participant
- 登記,註冊登記註冊的行為或過程
The act or process of enrolling.
- 獲準註冊或被視作已註冊的社團有8695個。
A total of 8695 societies have been or are deemed to have been registered.
- 汽車是用我的名字登記註冊的。
The car was registered in my name.