拼音:zhù yì dì英文解釋:
attentively; with one's eyes open相關詞條:
1.mindfully 2.withattention例句:
- 男孩們以熱切的心情非常注意地傾聽我的故事。The boys listened to my story with eager attention.
- 密切注意地方政局to follow local politics
- 我腦中的疑團消釋了,便注意地聽他們交談。As the mists cleared from my brain, I latched on to their conversation.
- 男孩們以熱切的心情非常注意地傾聽我的故事。The boys listened to my story with eager attention.
- 沒有注意地;以倉促的方式。without care; in a slapdash manner