拼音:zhòu mà 英文解釋:
curse; swear; abuse; cuss; drat; oath; revile
詛咒謾罵一大早就沒完沒了的咒罵老天爺 >>
查看“咒罵”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
malison 2.
swearword 3.
swear 4.
tarnation 5.
maledict 6.
revilement 7.
abusiveness 8.
curseandswear 9.
drat 10.
opprobrium 11.
cursing 12.
malediction 13.
execrate 14.
abusively 15.
oath 16.
blaspheme 例句:
- 他咒罵了妻子幾句,砰的一聲關上門就走了。
He hurled a few oaths at his wife and walked out, slamming the door.
- 她厲聲咒罵我。
She spat (out) curses at me.
- 她不叫喊也不咒罵,而只是默默地怒視著我。
She didn't shout or swear, but just glared silently at me.
- 趁我們還沒老到不能聽到互相的咒罵之前,趕快來看我吧。
Hurry up and come to visit me before we get too old to hear each other swear.
- [諺]詛咒捕不到魚;咒罵不解決問題。
If you swear you will catch no fish.
- `該死!'?em>侵瀆鈑鎩?
`Damn!' is an expletive.