incantation; malediction相關詞條
1.malediction 2.cuss 3.malison 4.anathematise例句
- 她厲聲咒罵我。She spat (out) curses at me.
- 他咒罵了妻子幾句,砰的一聲關上門就走了。He hurled a few oaths at his wife and walked out, slamming the door.
- 巫醫念了咒語想叫我家的牛遭殃。The witch-doctor has cursed our cattle.
- 我們的部落正受詛咒。Our tribe is under a curse.
- 她詛咒他,說他毀了她的一生。She cursed him for ruining her life.
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