crowd; many; numerous中文解釋:
眾 (衆) zhòng 許多:與“寡”相對:眾人。眾多。眾矢之的。芸芸眾生。 ...>>查看“眾”在國語字典中的解釋
- 非難是一個人出名向公眾付出的代價。Censure is the tax a man paid to the public for being eminent
- 廣告成功的一個關鍵因素就是抓住產品的與眾不同之處。One of the key factors for advertising success is product differentiation.
- 我在觀眾面前感到不自在。I feel uneasy in front of an audience.
- 發言人力圖把他的觀點灌輸給聽眾, 然而聽眾卻不感興趣。The speaker tried to drill in his point but the crowd were not interested.
- 魔術師變了幾個快速成戲法,使觀眾活躍起來。The magician warmed up his audience with a few quick tricks.
- 我們應當了解群眾是怎樣想的。We must find out what the masses think.
- 搖滾樂激起了觀眾的熱情。The rock and roll ignites the excitement of the audience.
- 從聽眾中發出了憤怒的叫聲。There sprang from the audience a cry of indignation.