拼音:zhí xíng英文解釋:
carry out; execute; enforce; follow out; perform; render; transact【計】 E; EXEC; execute; executing; execution
【經】 carry out; execution; perform; put into effect
(1) ∶貫徹施行;實際履行執行命令(2) ∶承辦;經辦執行案典(3) ∶堅守節... >>查看“執行”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.execution 2.execute 3.implementation 4.perform 5.officiate 6.administer 7.followout 8.enforcement 9.performance 10.pursuit 11.come/gointooperation 12.executive 13.running 14.observation 15.completio 16.performing相關對話:
- 處決囚犯過去都是公開執行的。There used to be public executions.
- 護士執行醫生的命令。The nurse executed the doctor's orders.
- 國會制定法律,總統執行法律。Congress makes the laws; the President executes them.
- 警察與法官執行法律。Policemen and judges enforce the law.
- 法院執行法律。The courts administer the law.
- 他要執行他的計畫。He will carry out his plan.
- 他執行計畫是堅決的。He was resolute in carrying out his plan.
- 劊子手是執行死刑的人。An executioner is a person who carries out the death sentence.