- 會計呈遞了一份開支的清單。
The treasurer render an account of all the money spend.
- 對增加軍費開支的強烈反對
a backlash against the increase of expenditure on armaments
- 透支的賬戶可能要求提供擔保。
Security may be required to back an overdrawn account.
- 他們經常體力透支的回到住處。
Here they lie often oer 100 to a room
- 腰4.5神經根交通支的基礎研究
A basic study on communicating branch of L4,5 nerve root
- 槍支的遲緩發射
To be slow in firing, as a gun.
- 兩支的組成或有兩肢的,如節肢動物的附屬物
Consisting of or having two branches, as the appendages of an arthropod.
- 這家醫院凍結員工職位作為削減開支的一部分。
The hospital is freezing staff appointments as part of its cutbacks.