拼音:zhī zuò 英文解釋:
【醫】 adminicula; adminiculum中文解釋:
直接承受推力或壓力的結構部位(例如拱、穹窿、梁或支柱的支座) >>
查看“支座”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
steadier 2.
supportingblock 3.
propstay 4.
bearing(upper) 5.
lugsupport 6.
bracket 7.
supportabutment 8.
pedestal 9.
supportingseat 10.
prop 11.
carrier(CARR) 12.
bearer 13.
footstep 14.
anchorchair 15.
lensmount 相關對話:
- 拱座,支座建築承擔拱頂重量或壓力的部分
The part of a structure that bears the weight or pressure of an arch
- 小千斤頂頂升法更換連續梁橋支座
Replacing the Bearing of Continuous Beam Bridge by Using Small Jack
- 橋樑鉛銷橡膠支座性能的試驗研究
Test and Study on Behaviors of the Lead Rubber Bearing for Bridges
- 拱座,支座建築承擔拱頂重量或壓力的部分
The part of a structure that bears the weight or pressure of an arch.
- 然而,實際上FPS支座的滑動摩擦係數在FPS滑塊的運動過程中是變化的。
But it is variable during the motion of the FPS slider.
- 拉薩河特大橋新型支座安裝技術
Installation Techniques for New Type of Bearings of Lhasa River Bridge