拼音:zhēn xiàng英文解釋:
truth; real situation; fact; merit; right; score; right way【法】 truth
(1).佛教語。猶言本相,實相。後指事物的本來面目或真實情況。 北魏 楊衒之 ... >>查看“真相”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.constatation 2.veritas 3.lowdown 4.straightgoods 5.truth 6.truecolours 7.dinkumoil 8.low-down 9.merit 10.therightway 11.size 12.staightgoods 13.dinkum 14.Right 15.score 16.story相關對話:
- 我們遲早會查明事實真相。We shall find out the truth early or late.
- 我終於看穿了事情的真相。At last I divined the truth.
- 我不敢去想她知道真相後會怎么樣。I dread to think what will happen if she finds out the truth.
- 他們自信地等待我自己發現事實真相。They were waiting with assurance for me to discover the truth for myself.
- 如果他發現了真相,那就糟了。It would be awful if he found out the truth.
- 無論如何,我必須說出真相。Anyhow I must tell the truth.
- 當局終於向新聞界透露了真相。The authorities finally disclosed the truth to the press.
- 我們終於從他那裡探得真相。At last we have elicited the truth from him.