拼音:zhěng qí 英文解釋:
orderliness; tidiness; trimness
(1) ∶有秩序;不亂將他的住處收拾整齊其次整齊之。——... >>
查看“整齊”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
tidiness 2.
inorder 3.
orderliness 4.
orderly 5.
order 6.
trimness 7.
trim 8.
symmetry 9.
even 10.
systematic 11.
trimming 12.
regularity 13.
ingoodorder 相關對話:
- 細心的人總是把東西放得很整齊。
Careful people usually put everything in good order.
- 校長表揚男同學服裝整齊。
The headmaster praised the boys for their neat turn-out.
- 孩子們整整齊齊排好隊。
The children lined up in an orderly fashion.
- 她保持她的住所整整齊齊。
She keeps her house very tidy.
- 他保持辦公室清潔整齊。
He keeps his office neat and tidy.
- 他把他的馬的鬃毛梳理整齊。
He combed his house's mane tidy.