拼音:zhěng jié dì 英文解釋:
nattily; neatly; trimly相關詞條:
tidily 2.
shipshape 漢語造句:
- 整潔地劃上直線刪除你不希望主考人批閱的任何話。
Rule out neatly any words which you do not wish the examiner to read.
- 他將那一欄數字加起來,之後很整潔地在下面劃了一條直線。
He added up the list of figures and ruled it off neatly.
- 兩位年老的女士,整潔地戴著帽子和手套;一個戴著熊皮帽的哨兵。
two old ladies, neatly hatted and gloved; a bearskin-hatted sentry
- 他將那一欄數字加起來,之後很整潔地在下面劃了一條直線。
He added up the list of figures and ruled it off neatly.
- 寫信整潔地在答題紙2上。
Write it neatly on ANSWER SHEET2.
- 孩子們必須學會整潔地寫字。
Children must learn to write neatly.
- 整齊地,整潔地
In a trim manner